Monday, February 28, 2011

sunday morning

On Sunday morning I got up early and headed to a church I had found online, only about a 15 minute walk from campus and held at a community center. I got to the community center to find it empty ! I wasn’t sure what to do. I really wanted to go to church, not because it is something I have to do as a Christian but something I desire to do to learn more about God. As I was leaving the community center a car with a older couple stopped and asked if I was looking for the Lincoln Baptist Church. I said that I was and they explained that the church had moved buildings and asked if I wanted a ride up the road with them to the new building. I hopped in and we headed to Church. It was the first time I had been to Church here in New Zealand and it was incredible to worship God with people from another nation and to hear their passion to know God more and there prayers for their city and their Nation.  After the service the couple who had picked me up introduced me to Tim and Liz, a young couple in the church who lead the Christian Fellowship group on campus. They kindly invited me to their home for lunch, I accepted and spent the next few hours with them before they gave me a ride back to Campus. 

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