Thursday, April 28, 2011

a trip into Christchurch City Center ..

Today Harald, Nate and I took a study break and headed into Christchurch to pick Melissa up from the airport. We made a wrong turn on the way back and ended up driving around the Central Business District (CBD) of Christchurch. It was the first time I had been close to the city center since the February earthquake. It was crazy to see the amount of damage first hand, many buildings have collapsed or are being demolished and numerous streets are closed off. Beautiful historic buildings, churches and other older building seem to have to most amount of damage. The city center is also a ghost town apart from the New Zealand Army and Civil Defense crews which have stations set up and some construction crews working in the area. 

I am currently working on my design project for the redesign of Sydenham, a suburb just south of the CBD. It is an interesting but very challenging project.  I have to say I miss studio as well as the support and community we have within the Landscape Architecture program back at Guelph. 

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